Calendar of Events
Your support allows the Foundation to direct funds where there is the greatest need, including such things as building and equipment repairs and purchases, enhancing current programs and services, and expanding our healthcare outreach. The Foundation Board will work with Hospital Administration to assure your donation helps meet the hospital’s healthcare mission.
You can make an immediate impact by giving a gift that enables us to respond to important immediate needs. This special kind of donation allows our care teams of doctors, nurses and medical teams to be able to have immediate support for areas of care that will benefit most from your generosity of a gift to areas of greatest need.
By supporting Mahaska Health Foundation’s area of greatest need, you are generously placing your gift where it is needed most. From innovative technology and new facilities to special programs, your gift to the greatest need gives us the flexibility to fund patient care priorities. Your generous donation helps us provide whole-person, compassionate care to our patients and their families.